Here are some more of the previously talked about yarns, made up skeins from the hand painted ones I already showed:
This next is a fun koolaide dyed mohair yarn that I spun a while back on my drop spindle. It is soft and sproingy. The lovely sunset hues you see after it are a tough artsy yarn I also spun on
my drop spindle. It was a heck of a job but I managed. The fiber was donated to me by my friend and former manager at The Bead Monkey, Aisha. Here is her blog. 

Here is some beautiful merino that I hand dyed and then spun on Daphne. It made such a pretty verigated yarn spun up in a sock weight.

There is another merino in the pic that is spun about a worsted thick and thin. I haven't dyed it yet but the possibilities are endless!
I love the vibrant colors you created. can you make something out of that yarn
I meant to say something for me
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