I live in Minnesota. That means when January rolls around you need to dig into your drawers and find your long johns. For some reason (crossing my fingers it's not global warming) this year I can look out my window and see snow melting! What's going on? Normally Minnesotans are getting ready to boil water and toss it into the air outside to see it become instant snow. Today the temperature outside is 43°F. 43 °!!!! I can't believe it. It's supposed to be even warmer tomorrow I've heard.Well I am not complaining but I was wondering, since there was recently snow in Texas does that mean that all the Snowbirds are heading back up here for the winter?
For those of you who are not familiar with the term a Snowbird is a person (usually someone who is retired) that has a home both in the Northern part of the country and the Southern part of the country so that when the temperature drops in the north, they can then escape to the warmer climate of the south.

Anyways, we had such a lovely Christmas and New Year's this round that everyone was in such happy moods. We had family over for supper both nights and even let the kid's ring in the New Year with us, though we let it come an hour early since they started dropping like flies towards the end. We watched Disney's The Princess Diaries with Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews. The girls, and yes even the boys loved it. Then we toasted our blessings and cheered everyone with sparkling grape juice. It was really fun! The best part of Christmas was that the kids got neat presents and because we were 'adopted' by a business Rasty and I hardly had much left to buy for anyone. What a relief we are feeling this month now with cash in the bank to pay the bills and enjoy the rest of the winter. Thank you so much to all those who helped out! We love you!!
Something fun was that I was in a swap on Ravelry and since it was my very first one ever I was really excited. Okay so it was just swapping cards but still it was special. I got four members to send cards to and they in turn send cards back. I wish I thought ahead so that I could take pictures of all of the cards that I made but I forgot and only took pictures of one of them. It was my favorite anyhow and we sent it to someone who is very special to us. This year I wanted to do something artsy so I found some really beautiful photographs of two of my favorite winter birds (Chickadee and Tufted Titmouse) and drew them and used colored pencils and water colors to give them a hint of color. They came out so nice and I was very pleased to give something from my heart.
Here are some pictures of my card and the two that I have received from the others. Rasty joined in the fun and made two of the cards as well.
Here's my fav birdie card, a Tufted Titmouse |
This lovely card is from Hennie |
My little reindeer is from BlessedByGod |
Well the kids looked smashing in their new pajamas that we just had to have them pose in them.

Now I am busily working on another swap for January and it's mine and Rasty's Birthdays this month. We have our birthdays 8 days apart so we like to celebrate them together often with something special. My swap for this month hasn't been shipped out yet so it's still a secret. mwuhahahah. The theme is Warm and Cozy, or Snugly? I can't remember but it seems like it will be a little easier to stay toasty in MN this year. I also have two swaps coming up in February; a yarn swap and a de-stash/ toy making swap. Hmmm. I'm still thinking about them. Any ideas? They asked us what our favorite animals are and what our favorite cartoons are. Haha, I do still watch pbskids with the kids sometimes so I guess that counts. I also put my favorite from when I was a kid that we actually got copies of the episodes for our children to watch. Have you ever hear of The Mysterious Cities of Gold? What a fantastic and educational action/ adventure type cartoon.
Well so I will be knitting my fingers off for a while and I will be sure to post pictures of everything I am working on. Look what else we found under the tree this year. A new baby Petric! Isn't she adorable? We named her Teresa.
BTW: The picture from my last post is from our wedding. This year marks ten years married so I thought I would keep that in mind as we celebrate. Cheers!