This is so cool, watch: Bruce Lee playing "Killer Ping Pong"
We have beads, we have yarn, and yes we have kids! Sometimes this place may look like a zoo with all the kids and projects flying around, but there's sure to be a little something for everyone.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
We had a nice peaceful Easter with just one friend over with her 3 kids. Did I say peaceful? Ha.
So I realized a day ago that I do so many projects all the time that I never even remember them when I go to blog about stuff, also Rasty and I have been so busy with yard work that I think I raked up some of my brain dripping out of my ear... We are in the process of tearing out our old front sidewalk so that we can make a new one that curves around to our driveway. Imagine that, having a sidewalk and front door that we might actually use from time to time. This past weekend we also finally got Thunder (the rabbit) back outside where he belongs. He has been so much happier being able to get out in the yard and run around (except when Rasty let the dog out at the same time by accident. Poor thing couldn't catch his breath for a while but was otherwise unharmed). We even got some gardening done, turned up the soil, new seeds, and made space around the
Some projects that I have completed since the last ones that I posted: a green cloth doll for my adopted goddaughter, 2 Easter dresses, the hem on a skirt for a friend, a pair of baby booties, a scarf made from my hand spun yarn, and a new blog!!! this is our official support site for our upcoming trip to Slovakia. Yes we are poor, and always trying to play catch up with our mortgage, and crazy for trying to attempt such a huge trip with the kids but hey, what can I say? Family is family after all and we love them. Check it out!
Some projects that I have completed since the last ones that I posted: a green cloth doll for my adopted goddaughter, 2 Easter dresses, the hem on a skirt for a friend, a pair of baby booties, a scarf made from my hand spun yarn, and a new blog!!! this is our official support site for our upcoming trip to Slovakia. Yes we are poor, and always trying to play catch up with our mortgage, and crazy for trying to attempt such a huge trip with the kids but hey, what can I say? Family is family after all and we love them. Check it out!
Some projects that I have started (or am still working on): Jen's purse (more about this later), Clapotis (more about this later), another free pattern thingy I found in the Knit picks catalog (mmm.. with yummy Casbah yarn), a cute baby sweater, and soon to start: some homey type projects for the in-laws in Slovakia. Ciao!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The thing with blogging
Hmm. Maybe it's me, or maybe it's because I am a mom with four little kids... does anyone else find it difficult to keep blogging? Okay I hope I can get better at this. For Easter this year I made two adorable dresses for my girls that I am very proud of. Susanna has the yellow one and Mariana, of course, has the purple one. She was a little disappointed that it didn't look like Cinderella's dress but was consoled with the fact that at least it was purple. They lookes fabulous with all the spring flowers at church and with their brothers both of whom had lovely ties on. Too Cute! Also I have been working on the infamous Clapotis pattern found on the knitty website and have big plans for a new knit along with my friend Amanda. Hahaha, can't wait.
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