Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Preoccupied blogger...

For those of you who don't know, not only do I have four kids now, but I also go to school full time now too. This is my response as you can imagine: "AAAHHHHHH!!!!" Yes, I am going insane. Yes, I am incredibly busy. And no, I don't always function correctly. I do manage to get homework done somehow and I do love my kids and spend lots of time with them when I am at home during the day. Plus now that three out of the four attend school at some point during the week I end up doing alot of driving around and sometimes end up at the wrong place at the wrong time. Thanks be to hubby though, I do get some time to get out of the house and do what I want to do... mmmm, knitting, my sweet sweet addiction... Every Monday night a couple of friends and I go to a local wine and dessert bar and knit and act like friend-sick gluttons for two hours. We chit-chat and click our sticks away, and show off our latest books and projects like good knitting friends do. It's nice to have a little sanity in an otherwise semi-chaotic week.
I haven't done any spinning lately but I have done lots of other types of projects; mostly knitting though. I've dyed some nice skeins which I will post as soon as my sister-in-law returns my camera. I am currently absorbed in knitting delicate lacy scarves with really fine yarns, oh and one thing I am excited about is that I am about to try painting with oil paints for the first time.
Painting is not new to me, but I have always been intrigued by the splooshy lusciousness of the glaze-like oil masters. Here is a great blog to check out if you appreciate art ;) http://midnightrelish.blogspot.com/(It's my secret blog!)

And here are some zen pictures for your viewing pleasure:

Me and my fluffy French Angora purebred:

A lovely fall sky:

The cutest baby EVer! (I might be a little biased):